My name is Ihab Darwish, and I'm an assistant professor at the math and computer science department. Also, I'm the director of cybersecurity program at Florham campus at (INAUDIBLE] College. FDU strives to provide students with interdisciplinary, multicultural, and ethical foundation necessary for them to lead, prosper and participate in the global market. The computer science department offers many graduate programs including the cybersecurity, game development, and data science, We have two models. We have the four plus one, in other words in our students, they can finish their both Bachelor of Science as well as Master of Science in five years. We also offer also a Master of Science in Computer Science. So this is also one of the other options that we provide. We offer software development. We offer-- agile, software development in addition to game development. Now we have special courses that is designed really to allow students to work in a group, okay, and to create a team work environment and projects and to be able to deliver the project you know from end to end. And this usually prepares students really to get a good job with the market flow. In addition to providing state of the art programs, our department has great many facilities. We have excellent computer labs. We have game development software. We have robotics equipment. We have state of the art also cybersecurity equipment, and tools. FDU has been designated by National Security Agency as a center of Cybersecurity and Information Assurance. FDU has a mission in cybersecurity to prepare students to become an excellent professional in the cybersecurity field. On the other hand, our students in the math department there are so many opportunities as well. In businesses, they work with data and uncertainty and risk management. And since we are center for academic excellence and there are opportunities on a yearly basis by Department of Homeland Security and NSA National Security Agency that offers scholarship opportunities for our cybersecurity students. The research is one of the primary areas that we encourage students to do. For example, myself in cybersecurity, I have so many students who are taking research opportunities, including for example, how to ensure security for medical devices, autonomous vehicles, drones and many other areas. Grace Hopper conference is the world's largest and biggest conference for female technologists that a lot of our students they go to. And it's basically an important lead for them to get opportunities. For more information, definitely you can visit our website and also the admission office as well can be a very good resource for for you. I look really forward for you to become one of my students in cybersecurity classes. Really there will be a great opportunity for you.